
How to Make 5 of our Favourite Samoan Foods

how to make faapapa how to make faiai eleni how to make keke puaa how to make pani popo how to make panikeke international foods polynesian foods Samoan Food Samoan recipes

How to Make 5 of our Favourite Samoan Foods

Samoan food is rich, it can be sweet, it often includes coconuts but it is so delicious.  If you have not tried Samoan food, you are missing out.  While many of these are not traditional Samoan, they were introduced to Samoa and had the Samoan touch added to them, they are still considered Samoan food.  Hopefully, we can do a traditional Samoan food blog in the future.  Today these Samoan foods are what we love and adore and hope that you do too. Pani Popo The rich coconut sauce that covers the buns brings the sweet bun to another level. ...

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Ripped off Mate!

ARTISTS misappropriation Samoan artists stand up stealing

Ripped off Mate!

In Australia we use the term ripped off a lot.  If you take your car to get fixed and they didn’t do it properly, you got ripped off mate!  When you go to Maccas and they don’t remember to put your Big Mac in and they gave you a Coke instead of a Thick shake, you got ripped off mate!  If someone steals your car from the front of your house, you got ripped off mate! Recently in social media we have noticed an increase of our Pacific artists who have had their artwork and their musical beats ripped off...

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“Dating” What does this mean to modern Polynesian women?

millenials polynesians dating relationships

“Dating” What does this mean to modern Polynesian women?

Our guest blogger today is a Samoan writer from New Zealand.  Her name is Lailoa.  Her blog is titled TWENTY9ANDSAMOAN.  Make sure to read her poetry, reviews and blogs. Have you ever noticed that when our elders and parents introduce your boyfriend they will automatically use the word “to’alua”?? (which translates to husband in Samoan). Why is this??? There is no actual word for boyfriend in the Samoan language.There are words “uo teine” or “uo tama”. Uo which translates to friend in English and Tama and Teine meaning boy and girl, but these words are not designated to mean boy/girlfriend, they can also simply be describing words for people....

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6 Easy and Healthy Snacks to make while on Lockdown

easy healthy snacks for lockdown eat a balanced diet health and fitness

6 Easy and Healthy Snacks to make while on Lockdown

Our guest Blogger today is Lorrine Headrick.  Lorrine is a Samoan living in Washington.  Lorrine is a health and wellness coach. She specialises in helping mothers to renew their strengths through mindset, fitness and nutrition-embracing life! To find out more about Lorrine's services email or visit her Instagram page. Being stuck at home can often lead to overeating.  This is why it is important to set yourself up for success by making sure there are healthy snacks available for when you are hungry, bored or just need some comfort.  Here are 6 Easy and Healthy Snacks to make while on lockdown....

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5 Tips to Stay Active During Lockdown

coronavirus pandemic covid-19 exercise tips personal trainer samoan stay active

5 Tips to Stay Active During Lockdown

Today our guest blogger is a personal trainer and coach: Jeremiah Aloalii.  While Jeremiah is based in Melbourne he now offers online training worldwide.  Jeremiah is also offering readers a FREE copy of the Healthy Mindset Guide to smashing your fitness goals. A lot of countries are on lockdown at the moment and research states that being sedentary is bad for your physical and mental health. Staying active during this time is vital for your health (both physically and mentally). Being active can reduce the chance of you getting chronic diseases. Being active can also help with maintaining muscle mass and bone...

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